Off-Road Motorcycle Tours in Vietnam – What You Should Know
Secured trips are great for going with your family members, but what about when you’re going alone? Isn’t a wilder and more exotic experience much more eye-opening for lone wolves?If you agree with that sentiment, then Off-road Vietnam Motorcycle Tours are for you! The country has beautiful roads and landscapes to offer. So, let’s get started!
Top Off-road Vietnam Motorcycle Tours For 2022 And 2023
1) Ha Giang & Northeast Vietnam Dirtbike Route: (8-11 Days)
To properly start off this list, let’s go through one of Vietnam’s most popular off-road tours: Ha Giang & Northeast Vietnam route. The entire trip will take you more than a week to finish (from 8 to 11 days, depending on the weather and terrain conditions). So, be sure to be specific on your vacation period. We definitely suggest you be on leave for as many days as possible to go on this particular trip for the scenery alone. Vietnamese Northeastern mountain ranges are nothing to sweat at, so you might need to pack up carefully. It’s a good idea to bring your camera or a Go-Pro to record the whole trip, too, as you might want to look back at the breathtaking landscapes afterward.You will have lots to do in Ha Giang alone when you travel through Ma Pi Leng’s gorgeous pass. Once you’re in the region, your map is your best friend!
2) Northern Loop Vietnam Motorbike Tour: (8 Days)
Since the majority of the trip above will focus on Ha Giang, if you want to focus on the landscapes, you might want to take this trip instead. It takes only 8 days to ride through with equally stunning itineraries!On your trip, you will get everything from Ta Xua signature dinosaur backbone to Mu Cang Chai rice fields for you to feast your eyes on. Don’t forget to ride yourself to Sapa for a temperature drop and endless soft fog over terrains.After that, you can definitely hit Ban Gioc waterfalls and lakes over at Ba Be lake to stare into the mirror-like water. Truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
3) The Legendary Ho Chi Minh Trail Motorbike Tour: (7 Days)
The Ho Chi Minh Trail is very significant to Vietnam’s history. It was the supply route for the North and Southside of Vietnam to provide for one another during wartime with America. It is very challenging to finish, but the ride will be absolutely divine and interesting. You will encounter everything on your ride: from postwar sites, beautiful countryside regions to ancient Midland trading towns. The entire ride essentially gives you a trip down Vietnam’s history lane up to the present time, letting you in on a country that is as brave as it is striking.Beautiful green vivid landscape on the trip from National Park Phong Nha Ke Bang to Cua Lo in Vietnam.
4) Vietnam Camping Enduro Tour From Hanoi To Sapa: (6 Days)
This motorbike trip will require you to pack a bit of an outdoor survival kit since you will be camping under the vast sky of Vietnam!It is possibly the most popular and sought-after enduro tour in the entirety of Vietnam, despite falling into “for advanced riders only”. Themotorcycle tour will take you fromHa Noi to Ta Xuain less than a week, and every stretch will make your jaw drop for sure.That should be all theoff-road Vietnam motorbike trips you need for now. Pick yourself up and book your spot now, or you will never get on the waitlist!
What Do You Need To Do Before Heading Into A Motorcycle Tour
Off-road Vietnam motorbike tours are exquisite for sure. Still, are you ready for the wilderness and the challenges it poses while on the trail? Use the list below as a checklist for the preparation process before the trip!
1) Choose Your Itineraries Wisely:
Every off-road tour will come with a difficulty meter. Please research it carefully. This is crucial for beginners and professional riders alike, so don’t skip the step.Generally, trail bike tours are easier and more comfortable, while mountain passes and ranges are more of a challenge. Make sure you know what you’re getting into before embarking on the trip.
2) Prepare The Essential Tools:
You’ll need to think of every single possibility to make it out of the trip alive and enjoy it while you’re there. Especially with off-road motorcycle tours, where the elements can be against your favor. We suggest you bring along these things:
Directions: Keep both an electrical GPS and physical map to be completely sure of where you are. Some spots haven’t been updated on the GPS, and you cannot immediately tell where you are on a map.
Weather-proof gear: Make sure to spray your helmet, shoes, and safety gear with an anti-soak and anti-fog solution before heading out. Rain is not your only enemy; fog will cloud up your visor and block your view.
Aside from that, you should also have a personal raincoat and rain covers for your luggage. The point is to stay completely dry.
Safety gear: Helmet, gloves, goggles, knee/elbow pads, and buckle are a few of the many pieces of safety equipment you will put to use. Do proper research, and you will be safe.
Sustenance: It’s easy to ignore thirst, but you will not want to be dehydrated. Dehydration will force your body to go into fight-or-flight response as well as lag your reflexes.
You will need mental clarity on your bike. So, bring along at least 1 liter of water as well as a few instant snacks.
3) Pack Carefully And Lightly:
The mountain ranges of Vietnam are going to be piercingly cold due to their altitude. Pack lightly for the trip, but don’t let yourself freeze. If you catch a cold, please keep warm even more carefully. You may loosen your grip on the bike when you sneeze.
4) Be Aware Of Your Stamina:
The road stretches can be quite demanding. Take breaks whenever you can. When you feel tired, communicate that to the tour guide so they can assist you or make a stop.
That is all you need to know about Off-road Vietnam Motorcycle Tours so you can start packing your bags from this point on! Off-road tours or motorcycle tours are not as scary as they appear, but you should still be cautious of many things. Perhaps bringing a friend on your first few trips is a good idea!
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Check out Top 10+ Off-road Vietnam Motorcycle Tours